Monday, June 4, 2007

Shaking my fists at the Hosting Gods

Bear with me while I try and explain why I think the Hosting Gods are against me. For starters the best hosting company I ever had went out of business. Not sure why, there were many reasons I was told. I noticed the service level went way down, couldn't get through to customer service and so on. But this isn't how it always was. The company used to be very responsive. I knew most of the guys there by their first names and I think they knew me pretty well too.

So off I went to find a good web host. One that would give me similar service and features. I found several on my own and had several referred to me. So I picked one, mostly based on price (because they all had similar features), and started the process. I guess I was spoiled because I paid each month for my service, not a whole year up front. I did this for a reason, because I wanted to leave with no strings if needed.

So here is where I start shaking my fists at the Hosting Gods. You cannot tell me that charging for a whole years worth of hosting with no set up fee, nets you more money than letting me pay every month and charging me a setup fee. Oh wait, that's where you make your money, actually, more money, by charging a setup fee. So let's get the facts straight:

1. You charge less per month if you pay for a whole year in advance. OK, discounts are great.

2. You don't charge a setup fee if I choose the lesser priced year in advance.

3. In most cases I can't even pay month to month; you want me to pay quarterly, half yearly or the whole year, the first two with setup fees and no discounted monthly rate.

4. You only have one rate plan; one year in advance.

Yes, I'm ranting. I don't buy the it's easier it all upfront excuse. How hard is it to charge per month? It's not. See, if I pay per month and your service goes down hill, or your product starts crapping out, I can change providers. But when you shackle me to your service for a whole year, I lose options. That's not good business, and I feel sorry for those who are so proud to be a customer of a Hosting company who holds their customers hostage.

If you run a good Hosting company, will let me pay per month and not charge me a pocket lining setup fee, I'd love to hear from you. Prove me wrong. Prove I can have great hosting with good features and good service for a reasonable price.
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  1. I've heard from a lot of people that BlueHost (a local Utah company) is really good. You might give 'em a try.

  2. Hey dude we use Shoqwave
    We are very happy and you can ask for Jade and tell him the Randles sent you and you expect proper treatment. He's a longtime friend of Cammon and should help you out...

  3. Lorri, I'll give Jade a call to see what he can do for me. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Jordy, unfortunately BlueHost was the last host I looked at before I just gave up. They want you to pay for a whole year or require the pocket lining setup fee if I pay by the quarter or half year. So thanks but no.


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