Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sweat Your Blogs Details

Build A Better Blog Day 25

Today's tip is to absolutely sweat the details. If you are serious about building a successful blog you need to make sure even the smallest aspects are right. People have literally millions of options when it comes to blogs. If you work hard to build a solid following, making small mistakes will undermine all your efforts. Here is a small list of things to continually pay attention too:

  1. Spelling and Grammar. Have a serious problem with either of these and some people will just move on. At least take the time to run your content through a spell checker before posting. I made this vital mistake just a day ago. Its somewhat embarrassing, especially when someone points it out.

  2. Make sure all your links work. Anytime there is a link on you site its your responsibility to make sure it works. If it doesn't, get rid of it. Of course you have no control over links going away or moving, but you are responsible for making sure you remove dead links.

  3. Make sure all your graphics show up. One problem with graphics, especially ones you don't control, is they are move or removed from their original location. Your best bet is to host them on your own server if possible.

  4. Make sure you can post comments without blowing up your blog. I don't know how many times I've written a comment and the blog software crashes for some reason. Frustrating because I don't know if my comment was saved, and if was lengthy I'll probably never return. This is one reason having a way to contact you is so important.

  5. Finally, make sure your blog simply loads as expected. Over the years I've made changes to my blog, either upgrading, theme changes or adding plug-ins which caused my blog to quit running. Some times I've discovered this on my own but I feel real stupid when a reader emails me that my blog is broken. Hosts go down on occasion and you can't control that but you should always verify your blog runs after making changes.

One area I might suggest caution with are ads. I've seen people go completely overboard with ads and make it so hard to find the content I just move on. Of all the sites I visit those are the types I feel taken advantage of. Get me to come to your site then ambush me with more ads than content. I never return. Don't make that mistake. I'll cover ads in the next installment so I won't go into those any more.

My point here is to make sure you blog is running on all cylinders. If you take blogging serious then you should make sure all aspects of your blog are working. Have fun.

ProBlogger's day twenty-five post: Go Shopping and Improve Your blog
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